do my math homework for me

Anna Martín Dreamer of the year 2023

Winner Dream BIG Tecnocampus 2022
Winner imaginPlanet Challenge 2022
Dreamer Imagine Silicon Valley 2022
Co-founder & CEO Atom Energy 2023 
Winner IF Design Istambul + The Bridge Educaixa Awards
STAFF LAB1876, STAFF Dream BIG Andorra, Mentor AudiCC 

Anna Martín is co-founder and CEO of ATOM H2  (, a pioneering company in the field of clean energy. Together with her co-founders, Marcel Rovira and Lucas Vicen, they initiated the ATOM H2 project, specializing in cutting-edge modular on-site hydrogen generation and storage systems.

The roots of ATOM H2 can be traced back to their triumph in the ImaginPlanet Challenge, leading the team to validate the business model with experts at Stanford and Berkeley during Imagine Silicon Valley 2022. Following this accomplishment, they showcased a functional prototype during the DemoDay upon their return. This success attracted pre-seed investment, transforming ATOM into a startup and setting the stage for their journey.

Notably, ATOM’s modular design earned them the esteemed IF Design award, highlighting their commitment to innovation and excellence. The company further received the EduCaixa Bridge Award in 2023, underscoring their dedication to pushing the boundaries of sustainability.

Currently, the ATOM team comprises Marcel as the Chief Operating Officer, Lucas as the Chief Technology Officer, Anna as the CEO, and Mariona as an industrial design engineer. Together, they collaborate on a pilot program with high-energy-consuming companies, steadfast in their mission to establish new standards in sustainability and provide innovative solutions for clean energy.

Anna has made significant contributions to the Imagine staff community through events like STAFF LAB1876, STAFF Dream BIG Andorra, and Mentor Audi Creativity Challenge. Her leadership and expertise have been instrumental in creating a collaborative and innovative environment, leaving a lasting impact within the Imagine community.

It is for all these accomplishments and especially for her exemplary attitude that the STAFF of Imagine wants to thank and congratulate Anna with this appreciation.

Dreamer of the year 2016. 
Pau Rodríguez

Dreamer of the year 2017. Anna Sala

Dreamer of the year 2018. Lucho Domínguez

Dreamer of the year 2019. Núria Pastor

Dreamer of the year 2020. Ricard Guillem

Dreamer of the year 2021. Sana Khouja 

Dreamer of the year 2022. Diana Ballart

Dreamer of the year 2023. Anna Martín 


Diana Ballart Dreamer of the year 2022

Winner iFest Dream Big Challenge 2017
Dreamer Imagine Express 2018
Dreamer Imagine Silicon Valley 2018
STAFF Imagine

Diana Ballart es CEO i Cofundadora de The Smart Lollipop, el dispositivo médico basado en un caramelo inteligente que diagnostica enfermedades a través de una muestra de saliva y digitaliza la respuesta a una plataforma online.  La idea inicial del The Smart Lollipop nació en la competición multitudinaria iFest Dream Big Challenge (2017) de la mano de Diana y tres compañeros más del máster de “Innovation and Business Development”, siendo el proyecto ganador de la competición.
Diana continuó su trayectoria en Imagine como dreamer en el Imagine Express 2018, Imagine Silicon Valley 2018 y siendo staff de Imagine Creativity Center durante casi 3 años.
The Smart Lollipop fue fundada en 2020 por Diana y dos socios más (Roger Garcia, pediatra, y Lorena Toda, industria lifescience). Actualmente la startup está ubicada en el Parc Científic i Tecnològic de la Universitat de Girona y cuenta con un equipo de 8 personas, entre ellas está Albert Valeta, actual CTO de la compañía; Albert y Diana se conocieron en el Imagine Silicon Valley y unos años más tarde Diana le propuso formar parte de The Smart Lollipop.Si algún día visitáis sus oficinas, podréis encontrar la caja originaria del Dream Big Challenge con la que nació la idea del The Smart Lollipop porqué, como menciona Diana, “los orígenes nunca se olvidan”.

Dreamer of the year 2016. Pau Rodríguez

Dreamer of the year 2017. Anna Sala

Dreamer of the year 2018. Lucho Domínguez

Dreamer of the year 2019. Núria Pastor

Dreamer of the year 2020. Ricard Guillem

Dreamer of the year 2021. Sana Khouja 

Dreamer of the year 2022. Diana Ballart


The 6th edition of the Fluidra Innovation Challenge concluded with great success!

The sixth edition of the Fluidra Innovation Challenge has ended, one more year, with excellent proposals. Fluidra, a global leader in the pool industry, has a long-standing experience in developing innovative products and services in the global residential and commercial pool market.
They are committed to encouraging the intrapreneurship attitude amongst their employees, offering the chance to develop innovative solutions for the challenges they face.

With this goal in mind, Imagine designed a program to select and accelerate the top 5 ideas to showcase them on a DemoDay in front of the top directives of Fluidra.

Since covid, the program had to take a spin and become entirely online. This year, we wanted to bring back some of the face-to-face encounters, adding value to the previous editions. The updates of this edition were the following:

  • Firstly, we flew to United States to start with the first Dream BIG  competition. Two Dream BIGs took place in person (San Diego and Sant Cugat) but we also added two online competitions for those employees who live abroad.
  • Secondly, on the Demo Day the Jury was invited in the Fluidra Head Quarters in Sant Cugat to watch the 5 team from the FIW present their project.
  • Thirdly, this edition offered three different awards, the investment on the winner project but also a trip for the winners to Fluidra’s Head Quarters. Who won? Keep reading to find out! 

Every year Fluidra chooses a specific challenge to frame the program. This year the challenge was “How can we improve the customer experience through the implementation of new DIGITAL and SUSTAINABLE strategies for our products or services?”

The program underlies the four phases of the Lombard Method: the disruptive learning process developed by Imagine, based on the Design Thinking and Design Doing methodologies. The first two phases, Inspiration and Ideation, took place during the competition. The last two, prototyping and communication, were developed during the FIW.

It all began with the Kick-Off call, giving an overview of the program and the different phases and explaining the updates of the edition. The challenge of the edition was also exposed and it introduced some of the main pain-points of Fluidra’s customer journey to inspire the participants.and the new.

The program continued with the Dream Big Competitions and a rather important task: creating a team of three. It is very important to join a cohesive and multidisiplinary team when working in challenging projects.

For the first time, two Dream BIGs were conducted in person. The first one took place in their offices in San Diego and the second one in their Headquarters in Sant Cugat. 

In addition, to have an inclusive worldwide competition, there were two identical Dream Big competitions that took place in different time zones. 

The competition was a success! And the five winning teams who advanced onto the Fluidra Innovation Week program were:

  1. Thylacine (Australia)
  2. Three Pool Guys (United States)
  3. Think or Sink (United States)
  4. FIF Team (France)
  5. Bigarq (Spain)

The FIW arrived! Due to the internationality of our teams, Imagine also offered parallel morning and afternoon sessions, based on the locations of the teams. This week was framed under the prototyping phase. Prototyping serves to validate the proposal to get stronger arguments in defending that the project should become a reality. Specifically, if the project is desirable, viable and feasible. 

The 15 participants connected everyday during three compacted hours, combining a variety of masterclasses with innovation experts, feedback sessions with mentors in the pool industry and team work with their personal designer. 

On Monday, October 24th, after David Tapias (Fluidra Product Compliance, Open Innovation, ESG Product Director) gave a warm welcome, the teams jumped right away onto their first masterclass. Blai Carandell, Founder and CEO at Noba Ventures and Toni Llull, Business Designer at  Noba Ventures, focused on the different strategies in order to analise the desirability and viability of the projects. 

Afterwards, the teams had their first meeting with their personal graphic designer to add their magic touch in the image of each project. They met with the designer every day.

On Tuesday, Ignasi Plaza, Founder and CEO of Protofy, lead the masterclass with his expertise in developing successful prototypes when the time constraint is high. In the FIW, the participants have to learn how to develop a MVP with a short amount of time. This, is a crucial skill that entrepreneurs must master. 

Tuesday was also the first meeting with mentors from Fluidra. Each team met privately with one mentor who works at Fluidra in order to give qualitative feedback about their project and reafirm to the teams, if the approach the project is doing makes sense to them. These were the mentors for this year’s edition:

On Wednesday there were two different masterclasses with innovation experts as well as the daily meet with the designers.

First, they worked with Jordi Ortiz, former Google employee for almost a decade and current CEO at SECARTYS. He is an expert on Exponential Technologies and offered the teams his point of view specifically on the technologies they were using as well as informed them about the latest trends. 

Second, they met with Cagsun Asemoglu, strategic design and innovation lead at Strategyzer, who expanded on the Business Model Canvas and how to test hypothesis.

Up until here, the teams focused on validating and prototyping their proposal. However, the main purspose of Thursday and Friday was working on their final pitch. As the teams continued developing their prototypes, working with their designer and getting feedback from the mentors, they also worked on their communication skills. 

On Thursday, they met with Borja Nicolau, Public Speaker and Stan-up Comedian, to learn more about how to tell a great and appealing story. 

On Friday, Emma Rodero, professor of voice and director of the Media Psychology Lab at the University Pompeu Fabra, coached the teams on their pitching skills and techniques to improve and better project their voice. 

Every year, the FIW culminates with a DemoDay, where the teams showcase their projects and Fluidra’s jury announces the winner. Every year, Fluidra’s top directives attend to the DemoDay, taking the role of Jury members to choose the winning project. After Borja and Emma’s training, the teams were on the right path to pitch their ideas on the DemoDay!  

The DemoDay, on November 10th, was celebrated through an online webinar where colleagues and employees from all over the world witnessed the results of their peers’ work. In addition, this year we had the pleasuse to have most of the Jury Board in person in a set we brought to Fluidra’s Head Quarters. 

The Jury board of 2022 edition was the following: 

The five teams exelently pitch their ideas, answered questions from the Jury and waited for the final veredict. The winner of the Fluidra Innovation Challenge and the two additional awarded teams were:

  • Winner of the Fluidra Innovation Challenge: Three Pool Guys – United States with the project called “the next evolution of iAquaLink”.
  • Winner of the Most Sustainable Award:  Bigarq – Spain, with the project called Ecofluid.
  • Winner of the Audience Award: Think or Sink – United States, with the project called called Fluidra ProLine Network, selected by the DemoDay audience went to the Trifectos team from the United States with their e-sharing project.

To conclude, we want to thank the over a hundred participants of the Dream Big, the experts and mentors, the designers, the Jury members and the amazing staff from Fluidra, for making this experience possible! The world is changing rapidly and this initiative is a great motivator to include the employees in building the future of the company they represent.

Video Fluidra Innovation Challenge VI >>


Sana Khouja Dreamer of the year 2021

Sana Khouja has been chosen Dreamer of the year 2021. Congrats Sana!

Dreamer Imagine Express 2014
STAFF Imagine Lanzarote 2021
Partner at ImaginPlanet Challenge 2021
Founder & CEO of Zeena

Sobre Sana Khouja:

Con tan solo 34 años, Sana Khouja es la fundadora de Zeena, y la viva imagen del proyecto. Una mezcla de pà amb tomàquet y Tagine, la mayor de tres hermanos, con tan solo 34 años licenciada en la vida y en reconocidas universidades como Durham, EADA, IESE, The Power MBA y Valley Digital Business School, tiene un gran recorrido profesional a sus espaldas.

Habla 6 idiomas –amazigh, árabe, castellano, catalán, inglés y francés–, y depende las Zeenas que se tome, ¡también winese!

Muestra una arrolladora personalidad, marcadamente emprendedora, por la que ha sido reconocida en proyectos relacionados con la tecnología y la salud. Su afición por el mundo del vino viene de lejos, fruto de su paso por empresas del sector, como la bodega Perinet, en la que trabajó cuatro años. A finales de 2019 fundó Mindful Drinkers, propietaria de Zeena, siendo capaz de construir un proyecto sin recursos por el que ya han apostado importantes business angels nacionales e internacionales, constituyendo una empresa de gran proyección global capaz de aportar valor al mercado e inspirar al cambio.

About Sana Khouja:

With only 34 years old, Sana Khouja is the Founder of Zeena, and the live image of the project. A mix of pà amb tomàquet and Tagine, the older of her siblings, graduated in life and recognized by universities such as Durham, EADA, IESE, The Power MBA and Valley Digital Business School. She has an impressive professional trajectory on her back.

She speaks 6 languages – Amazigh, Arabic, Spanish, Catalan, English and French-, and depending on the Zeenas that she drank, she also speaks winese!

She has a profuse personality, predominantly entrepreneur, for which she has been recognized in projects related with technology and health. Her passion for the wine world comes from far away, awaken by working with companies in the sector, for example, the Perinet cellar, where she stayed for 4 years. At the end of 2019 she founded Mindful Drinkers, property of Zeena, being able to build a project with no resources that has been supported by important national and international business angels, building a company with global projection capable of offering value to the market and inspiring change.

+ Info about Zeena >>

+ info about Imagine >>

Dreamer of the year 2016. Pau Rodríguez.

Dreamer of the year 2017. Anna Sala

Dreamer of the year 2018. Lucho Domínguez.

Dreamer of the year 2019. Núria Pastor.

Dreamer of the year 2020. Ricard Guillem

Dreamer of the year 2021. Sana Khouja 


Imagine with purpose, returning to Kenya

On December of 2018 Imagine Africa was born, the program that developed in Kenya to connect the youth from Iten with the youth from Spain to exchange knowledge. In the small and beautiful town, met with 20 girls and boys through the Gathimba Foundation, excited to learn from their culture and expertise. 

During our time there, we developed different projects based on the “Learning by Doing” methodology, where the Kenyan teenagers explained their actions and traditions through audiovisual content, directed towards the Spanish students. It was an intercultural exchange that reached all the hearts who participated in it. 

Imagine Africa 2018

Regardless of the difficulties faced during this 2020, Imagine continues to move forward with a strong conviction that it is necessary to innovate and create projects for social and environmental impact: Imagine lives for the benefits we can bring to the people and the world. 

After living the experience in Kenya, the Imagine team thought that for this Christmas we would give back to those boys and girls we met two years ago and support the Gathimba Foundation with a donation for those children who taught us a lot. This Foundation aims to provide children from Kenya with basic needs such as access to education or building houses for their families to fight for a better future for them. The amount will serve to pay for all the school appliances, materials and books for 20 girls and boys. Their names are: Flavian, Triza, Purity, Sharlie, Rodgers, Kevin, Felician, Anita, Jelagat, Faith, Victor, Nelson, Kevin, Faith Jemtai, Faith Jerono, Victor Kogei, Favour, June and Joy. 

Girls and boys with the new books and some school material. 

Imagine wants to take care of its human relationships and never leave anyone behind. It is important to join efforts and support the people you love!

 Imagine África – video


Ricard Guillem Dreamer of the year 2020

Ricard Guillem has been chosen Dreamer of the year 2020 by the Imagine community. Congrats Ricard & congrats to the finalists Ricard Moreno, Lluís Rovira, Alba García, Anna Cañadell & Joan Plana.

Ricard Guillem  is a 16 y/o tech entrepreneur from Barcelona. His passion for challenges and creating solutions for them began when he was just a little child. Since then, among other things, he has been Spain’s United Nations Delegate for a youth SDG program, has won 4 years in a row Scientia’s Foundation national youth entrepreneur award, and now he has become the CEO and founder of his first very own startup: Cafler.

Cafler is disrupting the TIC Automotive Industry through technology and democratization, they pass their user’s vehicle inspection test for them with a fleet of drivers. In less than a month, they have raised their pre-seed round for an amount of 400k and they still are working on the overfunding. (Important note: They are hiring and looking for dreamers’ types of profile!).

Part of his desire to become an entrepreneur came from a wake-up call at one event organized by Imagine. Since then, he has been an active Imagine Community member, and has been enrolled in multiple programs: Imagine Circular Economy, Dream BIG Circular Economy,  Dream BIG KLM, Dream big Challenge online, etc. His next goal is to become a dreamer at the Imagine Express 2020.

Ricard usually says that we all have a Dreamer in us, and with Imagine, you get this dreamer in you to go from demanding to acting.

+ info about the Finalists >> 

+ Info about Imagine Circular Economy 2019 >> 

+ info about Dream BIG Circular Economy 2019 >> 

+ Info about Cafler >>  

+ info about Imagine >>

Dreamer of the year 2016. Pau Rodríguez.

Dreamer of the year 2017. Anna Sala

Dreamer of the year 2018. Lucho Domínguez.

Dreamer of the year 2019. Núria Pastor.

Dreamer of the year 2020. Ricard Guillem



The FLUIDRA INNOVATION WEEK concluded with TWO winning projects!

The fourth edition of the Fluidra Innovation Week has concluded with great success. Fluidra, a global leader in the pool industry, has a long-standing experience in developing innovative products and services in the global residential and commercial pool market. 

They are commited to encouraging the intrapreneurship attitude amongst their employees, offering the chance to develop innovative solutions for the challenges.

With this goal in mind, Imagine designed a program to select and accelerate the top 5 ideas and showcase them on a DemoDay in front of the top Fluidra’s directives. However, this year it was difficult to select only one winner. 

This fourth edition took a spin compared to the previous years with three main updates. 

  • First, the program was executed entirely online, where Fluidra’s employees from all over the world could join easily and develop their ideas with the aim to become the winner of the #FIW2020.
  • Second, the program added an Ideation Competition called the Dream Big, that took place prior to the Innovation Week. Ian initiative that took place within a 3 hour competition of disruptive innovation, generating hundreds of solutions to address the challenges that the business face.
  • Last, an investment on the winning project with an acceleration program for 2021, in order to make the winning ideas a reality!

Every year Fluidra chooses a specific theme to frame the FIW. This year the challenge was “How to make Fluidra a more sustainable company”, contributing to the urgent need our planet has.


The program underlies the four phases of the Lombard Method: the disruptive learning process developed by Imagine, based on the Design Thinking and Design Doing methodologies. The first two phases, Inspiration and Ideation, took place during the competition. The last two, prototyping and communication, were developed during the FIW. 

It all began with the online Dream Big Competition and a rather important task: to create a team of three. It is very important to join a cohesive and multidisiplinary team when working in challenging projects. 

In addition, to make the competition accessible to all employees worldwide, we held two sessions in different time zones: October 6th in the afternoon (CET) and October 7th in the morning (CET).


The competition was a complete success! There were more than a hundred participants, from 9 different countries who turned in 25 great sustainable ideas. The five winning projects who advanced onto the Fluidra Innovation Week program were:

  1. Sustain Abilities (Spain)
  2. Cosmo Pools (United States)
  3. S4S (France)
  4. Innovac (Australia)
  5. DreamaPool (Spain + Belgium)

And then The FIW arrived! Due to the internationality of our teams, Imagine also offered parallel morning and afternoon sessions, based on the locations of the teams. The 15 participants connected everyday during three  hours, combining a variety of masterclasses, feedback sessions with experts in the pool industry or innovation and teamwork with their personal designer.

On Monday, November 2nd, after David Tapias (EMEA R&D Director) gave a warm welcome, the teams jumped right away onto the Prototyping phase: . Prototyping serves to validate if an idea will succeed or not. Specifically, if the project is desirable, viable and feasible.

Blai Carandell, Founder and CEO of Noba Ventures, gave a Masterclass focusing on the different strategies in order to analise the desirability and viability of the projects. Afterwards, with Blai’s insights, the teams worked on separate online rooms, also meeting for the first time with their personal designer.

Blai Carandell, morning session Masterclass.

On the second day, Ignasi Plaza, Founder and CEO of Protofy, lead the Masterclass with his great expertise in developing successful prototypes when the time constraint is high. In the FIW, the participants have a first hand experience about how to develop a MVP with a short amount of time. This, is a crucial skill that entrepreneurs must master.

Ignasi Plaza, morning session Masterclass.

Tuesday ended with an excelent feedback session. The teams pitched their ideas to an exclusive pool of mentors, learning from their suggestions and insights. The mentors were: David Tapias (EMEA R&D Director), Felix Ortiz (EMEA Customer Experience Manager), Juanjo Gómez (Category Manager Comercial Pool), Benjamin Stevens (IOT EMEA Director), Josep Tura (Innovation Project Manager), Luis Boada (Communication and Business Development), Marc Bonavia (CEO Catalonia Exponential), Blai Carandell (CEO of Noba Ventures) and Ignasi Plaza (CEO of Protofy).

During the last two days of the FIW, the teams entered the fourth phase: communication. As the teams continued developing their prototypes, Emma Rodero, Director of the Media Psychology Lab at UPF, gave a Masterclass about Communication and Pitching skills as well as coached them to better engage with the audience, specifically when it is online. Every year, the FIW culminates with a DemoDay, where the teams showcase their projects and Fluidra’s jury announces the winner. After Emma’s dedicated and personalized training, the teams were on the right path to pitch their ideas on the DemoDay!   

Emma Rodero’s coaching in the afternoon session.

The DemoDay, on November 9th, was celebrated through an online webinar where colleagues and employees from all over the world witnessed the results of their peers’ work. Every year, Fluidra’s top directives attend to the DemoDay, taking the role of Jury members to choose the winning project. 

The Jury board of 2020 was:


The five teams excelently pitch their ideas, highlighting the NSW Team (Australia), who pitch at their 2:45 in the morning!!

The teams developed such great ideas that the Jury finally decided to award not one, but two! They are:

  • The FIF Team with the project S4S, a more affordable pool cover that warms up the water.
  • The P Project Team with the project Sustain Abilities, presenting a gamification app to help raise awareness for their employees and engage them to take action.


To conclude, we want to thank the over a hundred participants of the Dream Big, the experts and mentors, the designers, the jury members and the amazing staff from Fluidra, for making this experience possible! The world is changing rapidly and this initiative is a great motivator to include the employees in building the future of the company

Pau Gasol e Imagine lanzan “Dream Big Online” para encontrar soluciones innovadoras a los principales desafíos futuros

  • Se trata de una iniciativa online que pretende fomentar el espíritu emprendedor y dar visibilidad a las buenas ideas.
  • El evento está abierto a todos aquellos que quieran aportar su granito de arena en la construcción de un mundo mejor.
  • Los retos propuestos están patrocinados por empresas y entidades pioneras en cada sector: IESE Business School (educación), Banco Santander (trabajo), Nike (deporte), Imagine (sostenibilidad) y Gasol Foundation (hábitos saludables).

La inscripción es gratuita y puede realizarse a través de un formulario online.

Barcelona, 15 de mayo de 2020 – Encontrar soluciones creativas ante los principales retos que plantea la nueva normalidad. Con  esta premisa, Pau Gasol, en colaboración con Imagine Creativity Center, lanzan el primer Dream Big Online, una iniciativa que pretende fomentar el espíritu emprendedor y atraer buenas ideas en un momento especialmente complicado. Se trata de una competición de emprendimiento social dirigido a personas de todo el mundo para que vivan una experiencia de formación y transformación que les prepare para un futuro que ellos mismos verán y que incluso pueden contribuir a crear. 

La competición se llevará a cabo en dos sesiones en formato webinar a través de la plataforma Zoom y será muy similar a los eventos Dream Big presenciales de tres horas que se han desarrollado durante los dos últimos años y en los que han participado más de 20.000 jóvenes. Dadas las circunstancias de confinamiento, los emprendedores participarán desde sus casas organizados en equipos virtuales y podrán descargarse previamente un toolkit o pack de herramientas y materiales de trabajo digital para poder seguir la competición y desarrollar sus propuestas.

Los equipos estarán formados por tres o cuatro personas y deberán escoger uno de los retos que se plantean. Dichos retos estarán representados por una serie de empresas y entidades de referencia, que serán las encargadas de escoger las mejores ideas: IESE Business School, en el ámbito de la educación; Banco Santander, en el ámbito del trabajo; Nike, en el ámbito del deporte; Imagine en el ámbito de la sostenibilidad y la Gasol Foundation, en el ámbito de los hábitos saludables. 

La sesión de generación de ideas se realizará el día 21 de mayo de 17:00 a 20:00 h. Durante ella, los participantes recibirán formación sobre cada uno de los pasos del proceso e irán dando forma a las propuestas que enviarán al final de la sesión.

La gran final tendrá lugar cuatro días más tarde, el 25 de mayo. En ella, diez equipos podrán exponer las ideas delante de un jurado formado por Pau Gasol, representantes de las distintas empresas y entidades colaboradoras y expertos en el ámbito del emprendimiento y la innovación. Los equipos ganadores recibirán premios exclusivos de la mano de los patrocinadores de los retos: 

  • Reto de educación (IESE Business School): formación, seguimiento y mentorización por parte de IESE Business School. 
  • Reto de trabajo (Banco Santander): para los 3 primeros equipos, un Programa de Aceleración del Talento de la consultora tecnológica Barrabés. Y, adicionalmente, para el equipo ganador, 4 entradas para un partido de LaLiga Santander de la temporada 20/21 (a determinar con los premiados cuando se pueda acudir a los estadios).
  • Reto de deporte (NIKE): kits deportivos Nike para los ganadores del reto.
  • Reto de sostenibilidad (Imagine): aceleración del proyecto y mentorización al equipo en uno de los programas de innovación del Imagine Creativity Center.
  • Reto de hábitos saludables (Gasol Foundation): una sesión de mentoring con Pau Gasol y profesionales de la Gasol Foundation, y un ejemplar del libro “Bajo el Aro” firmado por Pau. 

El evento contará con el apoyo tecnológico de la plataforma Zoom para garantizar una experiencia satisfactoria. Para participar, cada equipo puede inscribirse gratuitamente hasta el dia 20 de mayo a las 23:59 h a través de .


Más información: 

Laia Gilibets Barbens  // Responsable de comunicación  //

Núria Pastor Dreamer of the year 2019

Núria Pastor has been chosen Dreamer of the year 2019 by the Imagine community. Congrats Núria & congrats to the finalists Isidro Quintana, Sebastian Romero, Núria Tió & Dirk Hornung.  

Núria Pastor ( ), psychologist specialized in Neuroscience and Research worked as a researcher at the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona, where she led digital health and health data projects, and later received a grant from the European Institute of Technology, where she was trained in business development. Nuria was Dreamer in the edition Imagine Express 2017 and since then has demonstrated a great attitude Dreamer founding together with Unai Sánchez ( computer science and Data Science, HumanITcare  company with which it has developed a platform that provides a  remote monitoring of chronic patients, with the aim of improving the quality of life and medical care. Currently, HumanITcare is working with hospitals such as the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, Hospital Vall d’Hebrón, Hospital Universitario de Maastricht, among others.

Núria Pastor, has collaborated as a staff in other projects of Imagine Creativity Center like The Creative Fest 2017 or in the Reto Emprende 2019.

Some awards that HumanITcare recived: Prize of the European Commission, SME Instrument, awarded four times by the European Institute of Technology or entrepreneurs of the year 2019 of the Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona, UPC. But the most important thing is the dreamer values of perseverance, generosity, mutual admiration, and passion that drives Nuria and her team.

+ info about the Finalists: 
+ Info about Imagine Express 2017: 
+ Info about humanITcare:
+ info about Imagine :

Dreamer of the year 2016. Pau Rodríguez.
Dreamer of the year 2017. Anna Sala
Dreamer of the year 2018. Lucho Domínguez.
Dreamer of the year 2019. Núria Pastor.


Successful third edition of the FLUIDRA INNOVATION WEEK

The third edition of Fluidra Innovation Week has successfully taken place in Barcelona and surroundings this October 2019. Fluidra, a Spanish multinational listed group, is the global leader in the pool and wellness industry. Founded in 1969, Fluidra has long-standing experience in developing innovative products and services in the global residential and commercial pool market.

Once again, the company trusted Imagine to promote an intrapreneurial attitude with Fluidra Innovation Week, where Fluidra’s employees generated innovative solutions, products and business models, thereby involving them in building the company’s future.

This year’s theme was: “Social and Technological Trends” – How are social and technological trends affecting the pool and wellness business today? How will they reshape it in the future?

15 employees from different countries and diverse professional backgrounds were selected to come to Barcelona and dive into an intense week of work and inspiration. With the support of experts, mentors and Imagine staff the 5 teams of three passed through the phases of the Lombard Method to reach solutions which they presented on the last day of the program to a jury composed of Fluidra & Zodiac Executives. 

The 2019 edition was kicked off at the “Espai Cytizen”, where the participants met for the first time, formed teams and completed Phase 1 – Inspiration. Teams looked at key challenges facing the pool industry in the future, like: How can we make pools fully sustainable? How can we increase pool use by making them a “fun space”? How can we make the decision phase of the pool buying cycle easier for a future pool owner? How can we ensure optimal pool maintenance with minimal disturbance to pool users? How can we provide real-time information about their pools to owners? Once each team chose their challenge, they narrowed them down on the concrete problems and personas they would work on for the rest of the week. 

In the evening of day 1, the teams went to the beautiful beach town of Sitges, a mere 30 minutes South of Barcelona. After an inspiring tour of the town and its entrepreneurial origins, everyone met for a nice family dinner by the sea to gather energy for the following day. Inspired by the sea breeze in Sitges, the teams worked on Phase 2 – Ideation: through diverging and thinking of the craziest ideas possible, and then converging them to detect the most innovative and viable solutions. At the end of the day every team presented their first ideas to the other participants, David Tapias (Fluidra’s ESA R&D Director) and Imagine staff and received valuable feedback to apply in the next steps.

The next day, Phase 3 – Prototyping took the participants to the The Catalyst, where they had a Prototyping masterclass by Ignasi Plaza, CEO and Founder of Protofy. During the day, the teams were working on the business model and got feedback from experts and Fluidra managers, Xavier Servat and Frederic Dalmau. They were also working on the look & feel of the projects with the help of Imagine’s designer team.

In Phase 4 – Communication, the team started the day with a Communication & Public Speaking workshop by Emma Rodero in the inspiring environment of Teatreneu in the Gràcia neighbourhood. During the morning, the teams prepared their pitch and rehearsed on a real theatre stage.

The Demo Day was celebrated at the Estrella Damm space at the Pier01 of Barcelona Tech City, a private non-profit organisation open to all Barcelona-based members of the local and global technology ecosystem. The jury, led by the Executive President of Fluidra Eloi Planes and R+D Director David Tapias, was presented with 5 different and complete solutions, like a subscription platform to improve your pool experience, a circular economy system to create more sustainable pools or how Fluidra can use drones for maintenance and safety issues.

With such different and impactful ideas presented, it wasn’t easy for the jury to decide on one winning solution. But after some debate, the winning team was announced and awarded with a Silicon Valley trip to see first-hand how the most innovative and creative minds turn ideas into reality. During the trip they will be invited to visit some of the most famous companies like Google or Facebook and universities like Stanford.

Looking forward to the Fluidra Innovation Week 4 in 2020!

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