Ricard Guillem has been chosen Dreamer of the year 2020 by the Imagine community. Congrats Ricard & congrats to the finalists Ricard Moreno, Lluís Rovira, Alba García, Anna Cañadell & Joan Plana.

Ricard Guillem  is a 16 y/o tech entrepreneur from Barcelona. His passion for challenges and creating solutions for them began when he was just a little child. Since then, among other things, he has been Spain’s United Nations Delegate for a youth SDG program, has won 4 years in a row Scientia’s Foundation national youth entrepreneur award, and now he has become the CEO and founder of his first very own startup: Cafler.

Cafler is disrupting the TIC Automotive Industry through technology and democratization, they pass their user’s vehicle inspection test for them with a fleet of drivers. In less than a month, they have raised their pre-seed round for an amount of 400k and they still are working on the overfunding. (Important note: They are hiring and looking for dreamers’ types of profile!).

Part of his desire to become an entrepreneur came from a wake-up call at one event organized by Imagine. Since then, he has been an active Imagine Community member, and has been enrolled in multiple programs: Imagine Circular Economy, Dream BIG Circular Economy,  Dream BIG KLM, Dream big Challenge online, etc. His next goal is to become a dreamer at the Imagine Express 2020.

Ricard usually says that we all have a Dreamer in us, and with Imagine, you get this dreamer in you to go from demanding to acting.

+ info about the Finalists >> https://imaginecc.typeform.com/to/GP7cmyPs 

+ Info about Imagine Circular Economy 2019 >> http://circulareconomy.imagine.cc/ 

+ info about Dream BIG Circular Economy 2019 >>  https://vimeo.com/366234744 

+ Info about Cafler >> https://www.cafler.com/  

+ info about Imagine >> https://imagine.cc/

Dreamer of the year 2016. Pau Rodríguez.

Dreamer of the year 2017. Anna Sala

Dreamer of the year 2018. Lucho Domínguez.

Dreamer of the year 2019. Núria Pastor.

Dreamer of the year 2020. Ricard Guillem
