Tag: mobile apps

Imagine Express closes its 4th edition with the presentation of the winning apps at 4YFN

The 4YFN Nestlé Stage hosted for the fourth consecutive year the closing ceremony of Imagine Express 2017, a disruptive innovation program organized by Imagine Creativity Center, aimed at promoting and developing innovative and creative mobile applications. During a 5,000-minute journey between the cities of Barcelona, Paris and London, 36 participants, divided into 12 multi-disciplinary teams consisting of a creative mind, a software developer and an entrepreneur, have developed apps to respond to four challenges launched in the categories FinTech, Health, Smart Cities and Open by the main partners of this 4th edition of Imagine Express 2017: Banco Sabadell, Otsuka and Biocat, SUEZ and Imagine Foundation.

Imagine Express’s dreamers have worked intensively for four days, following the Lombard Method, created by Imagine CC and which has been internationally certified this year and consists of four phases: rethinking the problem, generating ideas, prototyping and communication to turn the challenges into tangible proposals. The objective of this work methodology is to advise and accompany the creation of a project: from the business plan to the presentation of the idea through a public pitch.

Ikigai, btrust, ArtUp, Mealing and Smartdog, winning apps

The team that won the health challenge launched by Otsuka and Biocat has developed Ikigai, an application to preserve the intergenerational medical legacy, which consists of putting retired doctors in contact with younger professionals. The creative dreamers of Ikigai have been: Cristina Coll (from Otsuka), Xavi Terradellas (from ShaRing & hippo technologies) and Marcos Real (from VidaCaixa).



As for the FinTech challenge, launched by Banco Sabadell, the winning app has been btrust, a platform that offers a verified identification service and associated financial information by a trusted third party. Its aim is to empower users about the data they share and secure their digital transactions. The dreamers who created btrust were: José Ignacio Delgado (from Banco Sabadell), Juan Antonio Núñez (from i2cat) and Liseth Monticone (from Sabadell Foundation & Valencialab).



The winning team of the Smart Cities challenge, proposed by SUEZ, has devised an app called ArtUp with which, when moving the mobile to an urban infrastructure, in this case a sewer cap, will show a work of art in reality augmented. In this way, Artup will allow ordinary citizens to contemplate a digital art gallery exhibited in the cities themselves and that will complement urban art. The creative dreamers of ArtUp have been: Viviane Beiró (from SUEZ), Héctor Paz (from imascono) and Paquita Puig (from VidaCaixa).



In the Open category, the winning team of dreamers has developed Mealing, a platform that delivers «tailor-made» food, according to the tastes and habits of each person. Thus, using different sources to obtain information on the preferences of users and through the application of algorithms of machine learning, this app identifies what type of food you like and what your nutritional needs. Mealing dreamers have been: Óscar Rovira (from Sabadell Foundation), Nicolas Grenie (from CDmon) and Gemma Ferrer (from Imagine Foundation).



The latest winning app was Smartdog, whose goal is for pets to help seniors or dependents through an application that will be used by the family doctor or family members to monitor their health or medication intakes, in other aspects. This app is complemented by a smart watch that will carry the older person and a necklace for the pet and their function is to synchronize them. Smartdog’s purpose is to restore autonomy to older people. Smartdog dreamers have been the youngest of this 4th edition: Joe Kirby, Esteve Pla and Marina Figueras (from Catalonia Emprèn and selected to participate in the Imagine Express 2017 during the iFest celebration on December 20th).



Thanks to everyone for an unforgettable trip! See you on Imagine Express 2018!


Imagine Express 2017 is ready to go!

Everything is ready for the train of the Mobile Apps to leave Sants-Estació on February 24th. Xavier Verdaguer and Albert Mikkelsen hosted the presentation of the 4th edition of Imagine Express at the Antiga Fàbrica Estrella Damm of Barcelona. During the event the 3 final dreamers were selected that will accompany us on this trip full of enthusiasm, dreams, creativity, companionship and disruptive innovation. One more year we are eager to begin this journey that will change the lives of its participants and improve the quality of life of many people through the apps that will be developed. This is our grain of sand to change the world for better.

However, we recognize that Imagine Express would not be possible without the companies that invest on the search for talent and innovation. For this reason we would like to thank the main partners of the program (Otsuka y Biocat, Banco Sabadell, Suez and Imagine Foundation) for their incredible involvement from the beginning and their capacity to test us through the challenges in the following categories:

  • Fintech: Insurance, Sharing Economy & Identity.
  • Smart cities: CropSell, Pipe Doctor & Collvers.
  • Health: Adherence, Pharma’s Image & Relationship with Start-ups.
  • Open.

In a live competition, 15 candidates competed to be the three last dreamers (of the creative, developer and business profile). To do this they presented their proposals before a jury composed of experts of different companies and sectors. In addition, the event attendees were also able to participate in the selection by tweeting their favourite candidates.

We won’t make you wait any longer and will now present the 36 dreamers of Imagine Express 2017!

Captura de pantalla 2017-02-10 a las 12.15.31 Captura de pantalla 2017-02-10 a las 12.15.47 Captura de pantalla 2017-02-10 a las 12.15.59

During the event, Paula Guardans-Godó and Marc Unzueta, dreamers de Imagine Silicon Valley 2016, presented ShaRing. The project that was developed during that edition of Imagine is forming a company composed by Imagine, the dreamers and Hippo Technologies. ShaRing consists of a smart ring with NFC technology that unifies and manages access of all kinds through it’s software and application. The Project strives to eliminate the need to carry and keep track of multiple keys and access cards by replacing them with an app that you can manage all access and later use your ring to enter in places such as concerts, offices, public transport and more. In the Imagine Express 2017 event ShaRing a few selected early adopters were able to use the ring as an entry. There was also a demonstration of the ShaRing experience in which people could get an Inédit beer using their ring.

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This year three influencers will join us on the train!

 One of the great novelties of the 4th edition of Imagine Express is that this year three influencers will join us on the journey. Our partner Renfe-SNCF in Cooperation has launched a competition to select three influencers pertaining to three social media sites: Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. The selection process will end February 18th at 23:59h, but to discover the challenge the influencers will face you will have to wait and stay tuned to our blog. However we will reveal the winners of the competition at the final event of Imagine IoT which will take place on Monday February 20th in the Vèrtex building of the UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).

Welcome on board dreamers!

Imagine Express 2017 is ready to go!

Ya está todo listo para que el tren de las Mobile Apps salga de Sants-Estació el día 24 de febrero. Xavier Verdaguer y Albert Mikkelsen ejercieron ayer como maestros de ceremonia en la presentación oficial de la 4ª edición de Imagine Express en la Antiga Fàbrica Estrella Damm de Barcelona para seleccionar en directo a los tres últimos dreamers que nos acompañarán en este viaje lleno de ilusión, sueños, creatividad, compañerismo y mucha innovación disruptiva. Un año más, estamos ansiosos por iniciar un viaje que va a cambiar la vida de sus participantes y a mejorar la calidad de vida de muchas personas a través de las apps que desarrollen. Es nuestro pequeño granito de arena para cambiar el mundo.

Sin embargo, Imagine Express no sería posible sin empresas que apostaran por la búsqueda de talento y la innovación. Por ello, queremos agradecer a los main partners del programa (Otsuka y Biocat, Banco Sabadell, Suez e Imagine Foundation) su gran implicación desde el minuto cero y su capacidad de ponernos a prueba a través del planteamiento de retos en las siguientes categorías:

  • Fintech: Insurances, Sharing Economy & Identity.
  • Smart cities: CropSell, Pipe Doctor & Collvers.
  • Health: Adherencia, imagen Pharma & Relación con Start-ups.
  • Open.

En una competición en directo, 15 candidatos compitieron por ser los tres últimos dreamers (un Creative, un Developer y un Business). Para ello, presentaron sus propuestas ante un jurado formado por expertos de diferentes empresas y sectores. Además, los asistentes al evento también pudieron participar en la selección a través de Twitter votando a sus candidatos favoritos. Pero no os hacemos esperar más, ¡ahora sí, os presentamos a los 36 dreamers de Imagine Express 2017!

Captura de pantalla 2017-02-10 a las 12.15.31 Captura de pantalla 2017-02-10 a las 12.15.47 Captura de pantalla 2017-02-10 a las 12.15.59

Durante el evento, Paula Guardans-Godó y Marc Unzueta, dreamers de Imagine Silicon Valley 2016,  también presentaron ShaRing. El proyecto en el que trabajaron durante esa edición de Imagine se está desarrollando en una compañía formada por Imagine CC, los dreamers y Hippo Technologies. ShaRing es un anillo inteligente con tecnología NFC que sirve para unificar y manejar accesos de todo tipo con su aplicación. El propósito del proyecto es de eliminar la necesidad de utilizar varias llaves y tarjetas de acceso diferentes y en su lugar añadir accesos en la aplicación y utilizar un solo anillo para todos los sitios a los que se quiera entrar, como conciertos, oficinas, transporte público, etc. En el evento de Imagine Express se estrenó el uso de ShaRing como entrada para algunos early adopters. También se demostró la experiencia ShaRing en la que se podía conseguir un cerveza Inédit utilizando el anillo.

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¡Este año, tres influencers subirán con nosotros al tren!

Una de las grandes novedades de la 4ª edición de Imagine Express es que este año subirán con nosotros al tren tres influencers. Nuestro partner Renfe-SNCF en Cooperación ha puesto en marcha un concurso para seleccionar a tres influencers de tres redes sociales: Twitter, YouTube e Instagram. El proceso de selección finalizará el 18 de febrero a las 23:59h, pero para descubrir el reto al que se enfrentarán tendréis que esperar un poco más y estar atentos a nuestro blog. Eso sí, los nombres de los ganadores se revelarán en el evento final del Imagine IoT que tendrá lugar el lunes 20 de febrero en el edificio Vèrtex de la UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).

Welcome on board dreamers!