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El Dream BIG Amposta impacta a més de 200 Joves del territori de les Terres de l’Ebre

L’oficina d’Ampost@EMPRESA del Ajuntament d’Amposta organitza dins del Fòrum Jove 2019 el Dream BIG Challenge.

El passat divendres 29 de març, l’Auditori municipal d’Amposta es va convertir en un laboratori d’idees creatives i innovadores de la mà d’uns 260 joves de diferents centres educatius i Universitats. Tots ells eren els participants I protagonistes del Dream BIG Challenge Amposta. El Dream BIG Challenge és la iniciativa que vol posar en valor el talent dels Joves per construir un futur en el qual viurem. Aquesta iniciativa es desenvolupa a través d’una competició d’innovació disruptiva on es generen milers de solucions a reptes reals. En aquest cas, els reptes els van proporcionar les diverses regidories de l’ajuntament d’Amposta.

Durant 3 hores i en equips de 3 o 4 persones, els joves van desenvolupar solucions disruptives als reptes plantejats seguint la metodologia Lombard pròpia d’Imagine Creativity Center, basada en principis de Design Thinking i Design Doing. El mètode Lombard contempla 4 fases bàsiques per evolucionar un projecte emprenedor: inspiració, ideació, prototipatge i comunicació, i el resultat van ser més 70 projectes desenvolupats pels Joves i més de 2.100 idees generades.

Amb el suport de més de 40 facilitadors del territori i mentors d’Imagine Creativity Center, els participants avançaven el seu projecte, arribant a la ronda d’eliminatòries en que els equips van haver d’exposar la seva idea de negoci en només un minut. Finalment, els projectes més valorats de cada repte van exposar dalt de l’escenari i un d’ells en va ser el guanyador: OldBot.

OldBot és el dispositiu amb assistent de veu que interactua amb les persones de la 3a edat, mitjançant un algoritme que aprèn sobre els gustos i activitats diàries de l’usuari. L’objectiu és conèixer l’estat de les persones grans de forma regular.

L’equip del projecte OldBot està compost per Paul Vidal-Ribas, Angela Cruz i Judith Rafales. El premi del Dream BIG Amposta és una plaça per l’Imagine Express 2020, i és la dreamer Judith Rafales que viurà l’experiència en representació dels seus companys.

Al Dream BIG Amposta també es va comptar amb el suport de Jordi Ferré, el guanyador de la primera edició del Dream BIG Amposta que aquest Febrer va participar al Imagine Express 2019. Jordi exposa, emocionat, que les 3 hores del Dream BIG Amposta de l’any passat van ser un abans i un després a la seva vida, i que el viatge d’innovació per Europa realitzat amb Imagine Creativity Center va fer que la seva forma de pensar i veure la vida fos diferent. Justament ell, el dreamer Jordi, va ser qui va fer entrega del merchandising d’Imagine a la nova guanyadora de la plaça d’enguany becada per l’Ajuntament d’Amposta.

Tres hores d’innovació, d’emprenedoria i de pura adrenalina són les que van viure els participants del Dream BIG Amposta. Lala Escrivà, Tècnica d’Indústria i empresa de l’Ajuntament d’Amposta, i líder d’aquesta iniciativa a la seva ciutat, argumenta que tot l’esforç i treball per aconseguir aquest gran esdeveniment te recompensa quan pot veure la cara dels participants i les ganes amb les quals ideen nous projectes. Lala creu que accions com el Dream BIG són necessaries per empoderar els joves i impregnar-los de ganes d’emprendre, ja que són ells els protagonistes del Dream BIG i del nostre futur.

– – – –

Ampost@EMPRESA inverteix en coneixement i per tant creu que aquests programes són importantíssims per als joves estudiants perquè veuen que poden fer aportacions a la societat i se’ls fa partíceps de la mateixa. Estem immersos en un nou paradigma, nous models de negoci i noves professions i des de l’Administració hem de donar eines  per formar aquests joves estudiants i que coneguin les opcions d’emprenedoria existents.

Imagine és el Centre d’Innovació fundat per Xavier Verdaguer al Silicon Valley de California el 2011. Imagine ha desenvolupat la seva propia metodologia d’innovació titulada Mètode Lombard, basada en els principis de Design Thinking i Design Doing (utilitzat per Startups) i ho aplica per enfrentar-se a reptes de gran corporacions i institucions. Imagine organitza viatges d’innovació on els participants (dreamers) desenvolupen solucions disruptives.

Finalitza el 5è bootcamp de Preincubació a Barcelona Activa

Finalitza el 5è bootcamp de preincubació a Barcelona Activa on 18 projectes de diversos àmbits han experimentat el Mètode Lombard per evolucionar els seus projectes.

Ahir divendres 15 de març va finalitzar el 5è bootcamp a Barcelona Activa impartit per Imagine Creativity Center. Durant 5 dies, 18 equips d’emprenedors han viscut el mètode Lombard amb l’objectiu de conèixer noves eines de Design Doing per aplicar-les quan ho necessitin, accelerar els projectes i preparar-los pel Demo Day.

Lombard Method

El mètode Lombard aplica tècniques i processos que van del Design Thinking al Design Doing, especialitzat en innovació disruptiva. Les quatre fases que el formen són Inspiració, Ideació, Prototipatge i Comunicació. La metodologia està pensada per poder-se utilitzar en diversitat temporal, en comprimir-se en tres hores o la capacitat de treballar-lo durant un mes. Tot i que Imagine Creativity Center, fundadora del mètode, es centra en la fase inicial dels projectes, el mètode està creat per poder-se adaptar a múltiples fases d’una companyia, per tal de generar noves idees i evolucionar projectes independentment de l’estat en el qual es trobi l’empresa.

Treballar amb equips d’altres projectes per fer néixer noves idees, inspirar-se en les tecnologies exponencials, prototipar solucions, entrevistar al públic objectiu, preparar el pitch final… són moltes les dinàmiques i accions que han desenvolupat els emprenedors durant el bootcamp de preincubació, tot ells preparant-se pel DemoDay, on han tingut 3 minuts per presentar el seu projecte, comptant amb un minut de preguntes.

70 candidatures, 18 seleccionats al bootcamp I 10 acceptats a la incubadora

Van ser més de 70 equips que van enviar la seva candidatura per poder participar en el bootcamp i provar d’entrar a la incubadora de Barcelona Activa. D’aquests 70, únicament 18 van ser seleccionats per experimental el Bootcamp i ahir es van seleccionat els 10 projectes que continuaran en aquest procés de la incubació durant 6 mesos, en el qual: rebran assessorament personalitzat, realitzaran workshops i participaran de manera activa a la comunitat emprenedora on es desenvolupen activitats per fomentar sinergies i cooperació amb l’objectiu de madurar i enriquir els projectes. Tot i això, la resta de projectes també podran gaudir d’altres recursos que ofereix Barcelona Activa.

Els 10 projectes acceptats a la incubadora, són: 

  • Yellow Market
  • OPPO
  • FriendZone
  • Power2GO
  • Aqualium
  • Kushi Tushi
  • Animal Hero
  • Envjoy

El missatge final transmès per Barcelona Activa i Imagine Creativity Center és que son els 18 equips d’emprenedors, tots ells, els que han de continuar treballant en la seva evolució. La selecció dels 10 acceptats és necessaria, però el camí a seguir dels projectes depèn de la resiliència, l’esforç i passió dels mateixos emprenedors per aconseguir l’èxit al mercat. 


Anna Sala Dreamer of the year 2017

El STAFF de Imagine ha decidido nombrar Anna Sala como Dreamer del año 2017. Anna Sala, doctora del Hospital Vall d’Hebron de Barcelona, fue Dreamer en la edición Imagine Silicon Valley 2013 y desde entonces ha demostrando una gran actitud Dreamer fundando junto a Adrià Curran la empresa Adan Medical Innovation con la que ha desarrollado el producto Anapphylaxis para salvar vidas de personas que pueden sufrir un ataque de alergia severo. Ha sido precisamente su startup Anapphylaxis la que ha esponsorizado este año 2017 uno de los 4 retos del Imagine Internet of Things permitiendo que un nuevo grupo de Dreamers (Andrea Ortega, Carmen DelgadoJulia Little,  Albert Cerezo y Lluis Rovira) desarrollen el producto Wesafe para llevar Anapphylaxis a las escuelas.
Aquí algunos de los reconocimientos logrados por  Anapphylaxis.

Es por todos estos logros y especialmente por su actitud ejemplar que el STAFF de Imagine quiere agradecer y felicitar a Anna con este reconocimiento.

En el año 2016 fue Pau Rodríguez el Dreamer del año según la votación del STAFF de Imagine.

+ info sobre Anna Sala
+ info sobre Anapphylaxis
+ info sobre WeSafe


The STAFF of Imagine has decided to name Anna Sala Dreamer of the year 2017. Anna Sala, a doctor at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital of Barcelona, became a Dreamer for the Imagine Silicon Valley 2013 and since then she has been demonstrating a true Dreamer attitude, founding with Adrià Curran the company Adan Medical Innovation that developed the product  Anapphylaxis, to save lives of the people that might suffer a severe allergic reaction.  It was precisely her startup Anapphylaxis that sponsored in 2017 one of the 4 challenges at Imagine Internet of Things allowing a new group of Dreamers (Andrea Ortega, Carmen DelgadoJulia Little,  Albert Cerezo y Lluis Rovira) to develop the product Wesafe, to bring   Anapphylaxis to schools.
Here are some acknowledgments achieved by Anapphylaxis.

It is for all these accomplishments and especially for her exemplary attitude that the STAFF of Imagine wants to thank and congratulate Anna with this appreciation.

In the year 2016 Pau Rodríguez was the Dreamer of the year, according to the vote of the STAFF of Imagine.

+ info about Anna Sala
+ info about Anapphylaxis
+ info about WeSafe

Marc Tarradas, Dreamer Fluidra for Imagine Silicon Valley 2017

For the first time Fluidra is going to participate in Imagine Silicon Valley. Innovation is everywhere in Fluidra and within anyone at Fluidra. It is an important factor in today’s world, where digitalization plays a key role of change in all industries.

Fluidra is into Pool & Wellness, operates in 45 countries by way of 160 sales branches and production centres located in the main markets. All 4,300 group’s employees from 5 continents were invited to present their application to become “Fluidra Dreamer 2017” and from all candidatures received, the winner is the Marc Tarradas, from Girona.

Marc’s profile: 41 years old, Product Designer and outdoor sports lover. Since he entered the company 2 years ago, he is in charge of designing LED lighting products. Marc is a globetrotter who likes to challenge himself, with a strong passion for nature and outdoor life. He’s an expert alpinist and in 2008 he organized a sponsored expedition to climb the Mera Peak, Himalaya (6.476 m).

For this dreamer no mountain is high enough. To Marc, innovation is curiosity and freedom: the absence of prejudices and standard mechanisms. What does Marc expect from Silicon Valley? “To get new “glasses” to see the world in a different way and new tools to offer solutions to the world”, he says with a bright smile on his face.

Welcome on board Marc! Welcome to Imagine Silicon Valley 2017.

Ernesto Gámiz, Dreamer Everis for Imagine Silicon Valley 2017

For the 7th edition of Imagine Silicon Valley, one of Imagine’s regular partners Everis held the yearly international competition to choose their Dreamer.  This time the competition covered the Latin American countries: Mexico, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil. Inside the company, the Imagine participance is seen as a business opportunity to develop a really disruptive and outstanding project, as well as, for the Dreamer, to discover the world of innovation, connect to an amazing network and become better in the fields he chooses during the program.  And the winner in 2017 is Ernesto Gámiz (Mexico).

Trained as chemical engineer, Ernesto entered Everis as an intern and today is a business analyst in telecom & utilities area developing strategies for top management. He is a person who likes to challenge himself, to search for new opportunities to test his capabilities, always open to new experiences and new people. The challenge Ernesto sees in Imagine is «to learn a life lesson form this dynamic, creative program, working with a team and developing ideas from scratch». He was brought up between two continents, between Mexico and Spain, which made him a traveller, photographer and triathlete. He already is a finisher of San Francisco triathlon, and this year in Silicon Valley he sets himself the goal of running the SF Marathon. In Ernesto’s opinion, the key to success in any endeavour is passion, excellency, open mind and a good sense of humor, which reflect the values of both Everis and Imagine.

You can meet Ernest here:

About Everis:


Everis, an NTT DATA company, is a multinational consulting firm providing business and strategy solutions, application development, maintenance, and outsourcing services. The company has 16,000 professionals working in offices and high performance centers in 14 countries. As part of the NTT DATA group, everis can offer a wider range of solutions and services through increased capacity as well as technological, geographical, and financial resources that help provide the most innovative solutions to customers. For more information, visit

Jan Carbonell, Dreamer 12 of Imagine Silicon Valley 2017

Jan Carbonell gana el concurso #Dreamer12 del programa IMAGINE Silicon Valley 2017.
El premio incluye  un mes de formación en el centro de creatividad Imagine en San Francisco, California.

Jan Carbonell  viajará a San Francisco con todos los gastos pagados para participar durante todo el mes de julio en el programa de creatividad Imagine Silicon Valley 2017.  Jan tendrá la oportunidad de realizar una inmersión en el ecosistema de Silicon Valley a partir de un completo programa de visitas a las empresas y universidades más innovadoras del mundo (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Airbnb, Stanford University, Berkley, etc.) y de conferencias de expertos internacionales en innovación y creatividad.

Jan Carbonell  ha ganado un concurso en el que participaron centenares de aspirantes. La prueba consistía en video de presentación y sus credenciales profesionales. De entre todos los participantes  se seleccionaron 10 finalistas para la última ronda de votos. Tras competir durante una semana, el concurso ha finalizado con la siguiente puntuación:

1era posición – Jan Carbonell :  41 puntos

2nd posición – Gemma Ferrer:  39  puntos

3era posición – Pol Álvarez:  38 puntos

(el detalle de las puntuaciones está a disposición de los participantes a través de: )

Los puntos, sobre un máximo de 50 posibles, se podían conseguir de los votos de un jurado de expertos, del staff de imagine, de los participantes de pasadas ediciones, de entrevistas personales y de los votos conseguidos en la página de facebook de Imagine. (Ver bases del concurso y jurado. Detalle de las puntuaciones a disposición de los participantes. Interesados contactar con

La organización de Imagine quiere agradecer su participación a todos los candidatos del concurso y, muy especialmente, a los 10 finalistas que han llevado a cabo extraordinarias campañas para conseguir apoyos en las redes sociales. Asimismo, agradecer a todos los miembros del jurado y a las miles de personas que han votado a los candidatos.

Aquí un video previo que mandó Jan Carbonell a a la organización:

Aquí el video que presentó al concurso:


IMAGINE es un Centro de Creatividad en el Silicon Valley de California para la generación de ideas que cambien el mundo y para cambiar la vida de las personas que participan en el programa. La séptima edición de Imagine Silicon Valley se pondrá en marcha el próximo 1 de Julio en el Yosemite National Park de California con 12 participantes ganadores de distintos concursos de creatividad y culminará con la exposición pública de las ideas el próximo 26 de Julio en San Francisco. El evento de presentación de resultados se llevará a cabo el próximo 20 de septiembre en Barcelona.

más información: ·


Jan Carbonell Selected as Dreamer #12 of Imagine Silicon Valley 2017

The prize includes one month of training in the center of creativity and innovation, Silicon Valley.

Jan Carbonell is an industrial engineer from the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya. He will travel, all expenses paid, to San Francisco where he will participate the entire month of July in Imagine Creativity Center’s program, Imagine Silicon Valley 2017. He will have the opportunity to be immersed completely in the ecosystem of Silicon Valley and participate in a program where he will visit the most innovative business and universities in the world (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Airbnb, Stanford University, Berkley). Jan will also have the opportunity to attend conferences with international experts in innovation and creativity.

Jan Carbonell won a contest, in which more than a 1,000 people participated. The challenge consisted of putting together a video and sending their most up to date curriculum. Out of all of the participants, the Top 10 finalists were selected for the final round of voting. After a week of fierce competition, the results are:

1st place – Jan Carbonell :  41 points

2nd place – Gemma Ferrer:  39 points

3rd place – Pol Álvarez:  38 points

The points, which there were a maximum of 50, could be gained from votes from the expert jury, Imagine staff, previous participants in Imagine, personal interviews and votes earned from the Imagine facebook page.

Imagine would like to thank all the candidates for their participation, especially the Top 10 who organized extraordinary campaigns on social media. We would also like to thank the members of the jury  and hundreds of people that voted for the candidates.

Here is a preview video that Jan Carbonell sent Imagine to present his candidacy:

Here is the video that Jan Carbonell presented for the contest:

About Imagine

Imagine is a creativity center in Silicon Valley, California. It was deigned for the generation of ideas that are going to change the world and the lives of those that participate in the program. The 2017 edition of Imagine Silicon Valley will start July 1 in Yosemite National Park with 12 participants who have won various creativity contests. The program will end with a final event open to the public on July 26 in San Francisco. The final event in Barcelona will take place September 20.

+ info: ·

Vote for your favorite finalist to Dreamer #12 of Imagine Silicon Valley 2017

Here we present the finalists to become dreamer number 12 for Imagine Silicon Valley 2017.

The selection has been very difficult since we have received amazing candidatures. A special thank you to everyone who has participated and congratulations to ALL! With your implication you have shown that you are already working on making the world a better place.

On Sunday June 4th at 23:59 pm (Central European Time) we will notify the winner among these 10 finalists.  The winner will become dreamer number 12, being able to join the program Imagine 2017 Silicon Valley with all expenses covered.

The voting proces for the selection of dreamer number 12 will be the following:

  •  votes from the representatives of each sponsor of Imagine (maximum 10 points) **
  •  votes from Imagine 2017 staff (maximum 10 points)
  • votes from the dreamers of past editions of Imagine (maximum 10 points)
  • votes from interview between staff members and finalist (maximum 10 points)
  • Number of likes achieved on facebook (maximum 10 points)

Good luck to all the candidates and keep on dreaming!


25 finalists for Dreamer number 12 of Imagine Silicon Valley 2017

We have received amazing candidatures to become Dreamer number 12 of Imagine Silicon Valley 2017. It’s being incredible tough to judge these! Our judging team has finished the first round and has chosen the 25 finalists that will enter the second round of voting. From these 25 finalist, 10 will be selected and will be published on the Imagine Facebook page this sunday. These 10 finalists will enter the last round of voting from which the final winner will be chosen.

More information on the voting process here.

From the Imagine staff we would like to thank everyone who has submitted an application for Imagine Silicon Valley 2017 . The talent we have received has been overwhelming. Thank you, you are all amazing Dreamers!

25 finalist (first round of voting, in alphabetical order):

– Pol Álvarez
– Marta Bernabéu
– Angela Blanco
– Jordi Boix
– Jan Carbonell
– Alejandro Chueca
– Sheila Esteban
– Gemma Ferrer
– Marina Figueras
– Gloria Gubianas
– Javier Jover
– Alexander Medina
– Victor Molina
– Clara Montes
– Liseth Monticone
– Carlos Muller
– Marta Ostoja
– Dani Páez
– Esteve Pla
– Alba Rodríguez
– Alba Santamaria
– Chema Solís
– Alex Tompkins
– Lidia Zabala
– Eduard Zurita

DREAMER12-TOP25-2017-low copy

Searching for Dreamer number 12 of Imagine Silicon Valley 2017

We are currently in search of the 12 Dreamers for Imagine Silicon Valley 2017. Many contests are now active and we are excited to start meeting the new dreamers!

Given the success of last year’s web competition, 1 of the 12 dreamers of Imagine Silicon Valley 2017 will be selected again from among all the applications received via the webpage  The rest of the dreamers will be selected from competitions organized by various sponsors which we will be announcing soon, stay tunned!

The process for the selection of dreamer number 12 will be the following:

1. On Sunday May 21th, 10 applications will be selected among all the candidatures received via:  This selection will be conducted by a formalized committee of experts with representatives from the sponsors and the staff of Imagine.

2. On Sunday May 28th , the videos of the 10 finalists will be published on the Imagine facebook page: 

3. On Sunday June, 4th  23:59 h., dreamer number 12 will be chosen among the 10 finalists with the following voting system:

  •  votes from the representatives of each sponsor of Imagine (maximum 10 points)
  •  votes from Imagine 2017 staff (maximum 10 points)
  • votes from the dreamers of past editions of Imagine (maximum 10 points)
  • votes from interview between staff members and finalist (10 points)
  •  number of likes achieved on facebook (maximum 10 points)

Open application until May 21th >> 

Here examples of past Imagine Silicon Valley candidatures:

Laura Rivera: The experience of Vueling’s dreamer at the 4th edition de Imagine Express

Tell us a bit about yourself. Who is Laura Rivera?

Laura is a computer engineer, specialized in mobile applications, and with a great entrepreneurial spirit. She is a person with many concerns who loves to create all kinds of new ideas and always takes advantage of learning new things. She also considers herself very social person who enjoys being in company of her own and meeting new people.




How was the experience of being a dreamer of Vueling in the Imagine Express2017?

It was an incredible experience; I would have never thought that one could do so many things in four days, and on the move!

It seems unreal how so many ideas can take off in very little time.

If you had to use four adjectives to describe your way through the 4th edition of Imagine Express, what would they be?

Agile, Innovative, thrilling, risotto




How do you feel now? ¿How has Imagine Express contributed to you personally and professionally?

 After being on a cloud for a few days, I can say that Imagine Express offers another point of view.

On a personal level, I feel more energetic and keen to enjoy what I do. I also took away the experience of meeting the other Imagine dreamers, mentors and staff, who are incredible and from whom I have learned a lot.

On a professional level I have been infected with the speed of the trip; and the phrase “stop thinking and start doing” has been embedded in my day-to-day mentality. I’ve decided to accelerate some decisions in order to do what I enjoy and am passionate about: Orchidea Code (

This is my personal Project: an application development company for third parties with innovative ideas as well as for personal projects of which I hope to give you details soon enough. I will only give you a couple of hints: Escape room and augmented reality 😉



Together with your teammates, Rodulfo Rodríguez and Nizar Hasan, you developed the PipeDoctor app. What does the idea consist in?

Basically, it consists in automating and improving the process of detecting pipe failures.

We have a robot that accesses them and take photos and videos of what it detects and that, through machine learning, the system is capable of diagnosing the malfunction and providing the best solution.




How did you develop it during the trip?

 First of all, we worked on defining the idea during the train ride to Paris using the Lombard Method. Then, on Saturday, we dedicated ourselves to creating the prototype, business plan and practicing our presentation with the help of mentors, who provided us with all the information we needed.

Finally, we had the opportunity to present the Project in the London Eye and at 4YFN. 


What need, in a comprehensive manner, do you think your idea resolves?

The idea solves for the ambiguity of the present results, as well as automating a time consuming task that is too tedious to be performed by a human being. By applying our idea the results will always be consistent and won’t depend of on the level of fatigue or tedium of an operator. In addition, the speed at which the results of the process will be available will change from weeks to hours. Finally, having all this information digitalized will allow extra analysis to be conducted that could even foresee and prevent possible failures months before they occur and preventing material damages and saving a lot of money.

What did you feel when you presented the PipeDoctor Project to your teammates at the 4YFN stage?

 A mixture of sensations! Just before presenting I was nervous. I’m not used to these kinds of presentations with such a large audience, but once we were on the stage I just thought about enjoying it with the team, doing my best and sharing the project with everyone.



What have you learned about collaborative work? Do you consider it important for the development of innovation projects?

I have learned a lot from my teammates both at the level of knowledge as well as on a personal level. We were managing situations of stress, deciding together which actions to take etc..

I already had experience working in teams, but with people that also had technical profiles. I believe that working collaboratively with people from other specialities is what makes the projects work.




What do you think of Vueling offering you the opportunity to live this experience?


I just think of thanking them for giving me this opportunity, I think it’s a great experience and that everyone should try it at some point in their life. I think that these initiatives encourage creativity and innovation and this can only be sinónimos to something positive for everyone.


Had you done something like this before?


No. I had participated in other entrepreneurship programs, but nothing that resembles Imagine.


What was your objective before getting on the mobile apps train?


I already had as an aiming to undertake in a project and I wanted to do something innovative, but like I mentioned before, the train makes you see it clearer and push yourself to start.

Would you be a dreamer again?

Of course! Although I must confess that since the Imagine Express I feel like a dreamer every day and it’s already part of me.

I think all the editions of Imagine are very interesting and I don’t have any doubt that the experience can only improve.



What do you think Imagine Express provides to companies that participate as collaborators in the program? (In general and in your, Vueling).

I think it brings the opportunity to form part of an innovative program and get infected with a spirit to always think on your feet.




Describe to us an image or a moment of the experience that you will never forget. Why?

When the counter reached zero after the presentations at the 4YFN. It was the end of the journey, but the beginning of another more major one. In addition, that’s the moment in which one realizes everything done and learned during the experience and starts to process all the information and sensations.

You also realize that these strangers that we waited eagerly to know who would be in our team have become a great team of more than 36 people, including staff and mentors, who are keen continue innovating.


And finally, what dream of yours would you like to take off?

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