Category: Projects

El Dream BIG Amposta impacta a més de 200 Joves del territori de les Terres de l’Ebre

L’oficina d’Ampost@EMPRESA del Ajuntament d’Amposta organitza dins del Fòrum Jove 2019 el Dream BIG Challenge.

El passat divendres 29 de març, l’Auditori municipal d’Amposta es va convertir en un laboratori d’idees creatives i innovadores de la mà d’uns 260 joves de diferents centres educatius i Universitats. Tots ells eren els participants I protagonistes del Dream BIG Challenge Amposta. El Dream BIG Challenge és la iniciativa que vol posar en valor el talent dels Joves per construir un futur en el qual viurem. Aquesta iniciativa es desenvolupa a través d’una competició d’innovació disruptiva on es generen milers de solucions a reptes reals. En aquest cas, els reptes els van proporcionar les diverses regidories de l’ajuntament d’Amposta.

Durant 3 hores i en equips de 3 o 4 persones, els joves van desenvolupar solucions disruptives als reptes plantejats seguint la metodologia Lombard pròpia d’Imagine Creativity Center, basada en principis de Design Thinking i Design Doing. El mètode Lombard contempla 4 fases bàsiques per evolucionar un projecte emprenedor: inspiració, ideació, prototipatge i comunicació, i el resultat van ser més 70 projectes desenvolupats pels Joves i més de 2.100 idees generades.

Amb el suport de més de 40 facilitadors del territori i mentors d’Imagine Creativity Center, els participants avançaven el seu projecte, arribant a la ronda d’eliminatòries en que els equips van haver d’exposar la seva idea de negoci en només un minut. Finalment, els projectes més valorats de cada repte van exposar dalt de l’escenari i un d’ells en va ser el guanyador: OldBot.

OldBot és el dispositiu amb assistent de veu que interactua amb les persones de la 3a edat, mitjançant un algoritme que aprèn sobre els gustos i activitats diàries de l’usuari. L’objectiu és conèixer l’estat de les persones grans de forma regular.

L’equip del projecte OldBot està compost per Paul Vidal-Ribas, Angela Cruz i Judith Rafales. El premi del Dream BIG Amposta és una plaça per l’Imagine Express 2020, i és la dreamer Judith Rafales que viurà l’experiència en representació dels seus companys.

Al Dream BIG Amposta també es va comptar amb el suport de Jordi Ferré, el guanyador de la primera edició del Dream BIG Amposta que aquest Febrer va participar al Imagine Express 2019. Jordi exposa, emocionat, que les 3 hores del Dream BIG Amposta de l’any passat van ser un abans i un després a la seva vida, i que el viatge d’innovació per Europa realitzat amb Imagine Creativity Center va fer que la seva forma de pensar i veure la vida fos diferent. Justament ell, el dreamer Jordi, va ser qui va fer entrega del merchandising d’Imagine a la nova guanyadora de la plaça d’enguany becada per l’Ajuntament d’Amposta.

Tres hores d’innovació, d’emprenedoria i de pura adrenalina són les que van viure els participants del Dream BIG Amposta. Lala Escrivà, Tècnica d’Indústria i empresa de l’Ajuntament d’Amposta, i líder d’aquesta iniciativa a la seva ciutat, argumenta que tot l’esforç i treball per aconseguir aquest gran esdeveniment te recompensa quan pot veure la cara dels participants i les ganes amb les quals ideen nous projectes. Lala creu que accions com el Dream BIG són necessaries per empoderar els joves i impregnar-los de ganes d’emprendre, ja que són ells els protagonistes del Dream BIG i del nostre futur.

– – – –

Ampost@EMPRESA inverteix en coneixement i per tant creu que aquests programes són importantíssims per als joves estudiants perquè veuen que poden fer aportacions a la societat i se’ls fa partíceps de la mateixa. Estem immersos en un nou paradigma, nous models de negoci i noves professions i des de l’Administració hem de donar eines  per formar aquests joves estudiants i que coneguin les opcions d’emprenedoria existents.

Imagine és el Centre d’Innovació fundat per Xavier Verdaguer al Silicon Valley de California el 2011. Imagine ha desenvolupat la seva propia metodologia d’innovació titulada Mètode Lombard, basada en els principis de Design Thinking i Design Doing (utilitzat per Startups) i ho aplica per enfrentar-se a reptes de gran corporacions i institucions. Imagine organitza viatges d’innovació on els participants (dreamers) desenvolupen solucions disruptives.

Finalitza el 5è bootcamp de Preincubació a Barcelona Activa

Finalitza el 5è bootcamp de preincubació a Barcelona Activa on 18 projectes de diversos àmbits han experimentat el Mètode Lombard per evolucionar els seus projectes.

Ahir divendres 15 de març va finalitzar el 5è bootcamp a Barcelona Activa impartit per Imagine Creativity Center. Durant 5 dies, 18 equips d’emprenedors han viscut el mètode Lombard amb l’objectiu de conèixer noves eines de Design Doing per aplicar-les quan ho necessitin, accelerar els projectes i preparar-los pel Demo Day.

Lombard Method

El mètode Lombard aplica tècniques i processos que van del Design Thinking al Design Doing, especialitzat en innovació disruptiva. Les quatre fases que el formen són Inspiració, Ideació, Prototipatge i Comunicació. La metodologia està pensada per poder-se utilitzar en diversitat temporal, en comprimir-se en tres hores o la capacitat de treballar-lo durant un mes. Tot i que Imagine Creativity Center, fundadora del mètode, es centra en la fase inicial dels projectes, el mètode està creat per poder-se adaptar a múltiples fases d’una companyia, per tal de generar noves idees i evolucionar projectes independentment de l’estat en el qual es trobi l’empresa.

Treballar amb equips d’altres projectes per fer néixer noves idees, inspirar-se en les tecnologies exponencials, prototipar solucions, entrevistar al públic objectiu, preparar el pitch final… són moltes les dinàmiques i accions que han desenvolupat els emprenedors durant el bootcamp de preincubació, tot ells preparant-se pel DemoDay, on han tingut 3 minuts per presentar el seu projecte, comptant amb un minut de preguntes.

70 candidatures, 18 seleccionats al bootcamp I 10 acceptats a la incubadora

Van ser més de 70 equips que van enviar la seva candidatura per poder participar en el bootcamp i provar d’entrar a la incubadora de Barcelona Activa. D’aquests 70, únicament 18 van ser seleccionats per experimental el Bootcamp i ahir es van seleccionat els 10 projectes que continuaran en aquest procés de la incubació durant 6 mesos, en el qual: rebran assessorament personalitzat, realitzaran workshops i participaran de manera activa a la comunitat emprenedora on es desenvolupen activitats per fomentar sinergies i cooperació amb l’objectiu de madurar i enriquir els projectes. Tot i això, la resta de projectes també podran gaudir d’altres recursos que ofereix Barcelona Activa.

Els 10 projectes acceptats a la incubadora, són: 

  • Yellow Market
  • OPPO
  • FriendZone
  • Power2GO
  • Aqualium
  • Kushi Tushi
  • Animal Hero
  • Envjoy

El missatge final transmès per Barcelona Activa i Imagine Creativity Center és que son els 18 equips d’emprenedors, tots ells, els que han de continuar treballant en la seva evolució. La selecció dels 10 acceptats és necessaria, però el camí a seguir dels projectes depèn de la resiliència, l’esforç i passió dels mateixos emprenedors per aconseguir l’èxit al mercat. 


Chupa-Chip, winners of the Dream BIG challenge iFest 2017

  • More than 7.000 young students aged between 16 and 24 have participated this Thursday, November 30th, at the Palau Sant Jordi and within the framework of the IFEST in the first of the four annual Dream Big Challenge events.
  • The young students, working in teams formed by three students (players) + a teacher (shaker), have faced four disruptive innovation challenges proposed by four companies: Aigües de Barcelona, Parc Científic de Barcelona, Fluidra and Uriach.
  • The team with the winning idea has entered the Imagine Express 2018 innovation program and will accelerate its idea during a three-day trip through Europe. In addition, Pol Álvarez, considered the best student, has earned a seat in the Imagine Silicon Valley 2018 one-month acceleration program.

Barcelona, November 30th 2017.– More than 7.000 young students aged between 16 and 24 have participated this Thursday, November 30th, at the Palau Sant Jordi and within the framework of the IFEST in the first of the four annual Dream Big Challenge events, a disruptive innovation competition that seeks to promote the entrepreneurial spirit and give confidence to young people to develop their initiatives.

Dream BIG Challenge iFest 2017 from Imagine on Vimeo.

Thanks to its proposal for the prevention of infectious diseases, the Chupa-Chip team has become the winner of the meeting and will take part in the Imagine Express 2018 innovation program that will allow them to accelerate their idea during a three-day trip through Europe (Barcelona- Paris-London). For his part, Pol Álvarez, considered as the best student of this Dream Big Challenge edition, has achieved a place in the acceleration program of one month Imagine Silicon Valley 2018 (July, San Francisco), where he will develop and make his idea come true in addition to visiting the most innovative companies and universities in the world (Google, Apple, Instagram, Tesla, Stanford, Berkeley, etc.).


Following the Lombard method (a radical learning process of the Imagine Foundation based on Design Thinking principles), during the competition the participants have been working in teams consisting of three students (players) and a teacher (shaker) to demonstrate their entrepreneurial capacity and propose innovative solutions to the four challenges of this edition: Future water (suggested by Aigües de Barcelona), Infectious diseases (Parc Científic de Barcelona), The pools of the future (Fluidra) and Connected Health (Uriach). The teams have been complemented with tier participants (11 players) and 2 tier teachers (shakers).

During the morning, 60 staff members from the Imagine Creativity Center have trained the 2,000 teachers who have acted as learning facilitators (shakers).

In the afternoon, the teams have developed the four phases of the Lombard method in order to turn a challenge into a solution:

Phase 1: inspiration, user, context and reformulation of the challenge

Phase 2: generation of ideas (divergence + convergence)

Phase 3: prototyping (validation of ideas + construction of prototypes)

Phase 4: communication (preparation of the presentation).

In the last part of the workshop, the winning team has been selected.


The challenges the 7.000 students of this edition of Dream Big Challenge Barcelona have faced are:


Water is the core of life, it is present in every moment and, at the same time, it is a scarce resource. Aware of this, Aigües de Barcelona has launched this challenge with the aim of exploring the future of water taking into consideration five prisms: new technologies, city, health, home and environment.

«The future of society requires open collaboration between different types of talent that yet share the same common enthusiasm. Innovation with unprecedented and sustainable solutions that have a social impact can only be made from diversity. The world of water, due to its invisible importance in our lives and cities, is that starting point for this great transformation.» María Monzó, director of Innovation and Knowledge Aigües de Barcelona.


Infectious diseases represent a serious problem both in developed countries (due to the resistance to antibiotics that is generated) and underdeveloped countries (due to the impact of tropical diseases). The Parc Científic de Barcelona has proposed to address this challenge from the point of view of prevention, diagnosis and therapy with information technologies, biotechnology, material sciences, new medical practices and / or public health.

«Encouraging creativity among young people is encouraging them to generate disruptive innovation. Progress happens because society fosters an enterprising attitude among young people; they are already telling us that they accept the responsibility to improve the future.» Ignasi Belda, director of the Parc Científic de Barcelona.


Swimming pools are a traditional space for contact with water that gives us a physical and mental well-being. New technologies, socioeconomic changes and climate change generate endless opportunities to evolve and innovate in what swimming pools should be like and how we relate to them. The challenge suggested by Fluidra has been to define what pools of the future will be like from the point of view of technology, gamification, its use and the environment.

«Companies must increasingly encourage children and young people to awaken and express their creative and entrepreneurial potential, as it is one of the keys to advance towards a more equitable, sustainable and secure society». David Tapias, direction of Innovation Fluidra.


Health, well-being and the improvement of the quality of life are the goals of Uriach since 1838. As a pharmaceutical company, they have suggested the students to investigate how new technologies will allow us to think about products and new ways of taking care of ourselves, how to obtain more data to decide on our health and how we can interact or buy differently. Digital, pharmacy, society and sports are its prisms.

«Uriach’s collaboration with the Dream Big Challenge demonstrates how the company is committed to initiatives that take advantage of and enhance talent and, in this way, get everyone to grow together. On the one hand, we seek to improve Uriach’s business model, while also evolving to respond to future challenges in the world of health and well-being.» Oriol Segarra, general director Uriach.


Winner of Best tier player. Place in Imagine Silicon Valley 2018: Pol Álvarez. IES Vilatzara, Vilassar de Mar.

Winner of the Dream BIG Challenge iFest 2017. Imagine Express 2018 award: Team 259 –

Fluidra’s challenge winner: Team 46 – H2 SWIM. COL·LEGI MONTSERRAT.

Aigües de Barcelona’s challenge winner: Team 132 – ET LLEIDA 1. INSTITUT ESCOLA DEL TREBALL.

Parc Científic de Barcelona’s challenge winner: Team 259 – Chupa-Chip. UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA.

Uriach’s challenge winner: Team 327 – ACTIVE INK. INS. PERE RIBOT.

Winner of i2Cat award to the most innovator team: Team 46. H2 SWIM. COL·LEGI MONTSERRAT.

Winner of La Salle We Love Change to the team with the greatest impact: Team 91 – TUNNEL FOG LIFE. INSTITUT CAPARRELLA.

Best instagram. Vodafone award: @miloov: gran experiencia

Best Tweet. Vodafone award: @juanpablomunozf: go beyond your studies… find a passion and make a positve impact in the society.


Dream Big Challenge is an activity designed by Xavier Verdaguer, known as a multi-entrepreneur and founder of the Imagine Creativity Center, an international referent and a pioneer in entrepreneurship and innovation. «Dream Big is not a training program, but a transformation one. Using the Lombard method, participants think of solutions to business problems based on four phases: problem inspiration, idea generation, prototyping and communication. What we do is design doing, it is not design thinking «.

The Dream Big Challenge program includes four annual events that take place in pavilions of the main cities of the state, and a one-month closure program in Silicon Valley. In each competition, the participants are grouped in teams to create and develop disruptive ideas that solve a business challenge. The sessions are also attended by a hundred Imagine facilitators and experts who are responsible for guiding young people in the application of the Lombard methodology, the radical learning process of the Imagine Foundation based on Design Thinking principles.

More information:

Laura Pons


Photos by: Laura Cladellas & Berta Vicente.

Imagine presenta los proyectos de su séptima edición del Imagine Silicon Valley

Este miércoles 20 de septiembre se han presentado en Barcelona los proyectos desarrollados durante el pasado mes de julio en el Silicon Valley de California por los participantes de esta edición llamados dreamers.

La Antigua Fábrica de Estrella Damm vuelve a ser el sitio donde se ha celebrado el acto de clausura de esta séptima edición de Imagine Silicon Valley, con cuatro proyectos innovadores sobre Internet of pools, hogares inteligentes, innovación en la cultura y en la educación.

Los 12 dreamers participantes en Imagine Silicon Valley 2017 en Estados Unidos recibieron formación y consejo del equipo de profesionales del Imagine Creativity Center, así como de expertos y profesionales de las empresas líderes en tecnología, como Google, Facebook, Twitter, Airbnb y de las universidades de Stanford, Berkley y Draper.

Los retos y los proyectos presentados son:

Internet Of Pools (Fluidra). ¿Cómo mejorar el uso de las piscinas creando experiencias de realidad aumentada bajo el agua?

Los dreamers Marc Terradellas de Fluidra, Jan Carbonell de Imagine Foundation y Ernesto Gamiz de Everis Mexico han desarrollado Fluid Reality, una experiencia de realidad aumentada con gafas bajo el agua, para disfrutar de una experiencia innovadora en la piscina más allá de las limitaciones de las piscinas. El objetivo es crear experiencias dinámicas y educativas que permita un mejor uso de la piscina y a los padres pasar más tiempo de calidad con sus hijos.

Hogares inteligentes (RACC). ¿Cómo mantener el hogar seguro en caso de ausencia y permitir acceso a terceros?

Los dreamers Kitti Kolomont de Intech Tenerife, Xavier Terradellas ganador del RACC Innovation Challenge 2017 y Joan Francesc Bañó de EADA han desarrollado House Keeper una solución de acceso seguro al hogar sin la necesidad de estar presencialmente en casa. Este servicio es una herramienta imprescindible en casos como la atención a personas mayores, urgencias, entregas de paquetes o para dar acceso a profesionales que acuden a realizar reparaciones. Además, permite grabar un mensaje de vídeo con indicaciones para la persona que vaya a acceder al domicilio y evita gestiones al propietario, ya que todo el sistema se coordina y monitoriza desde una central remota.   .

Conciertos Holográficos (Audi). ¿Cómo innovar y democratizar la cultura?

Los dreamers Lidia Just, Nil Figueras y Joan Plana ganaron la segunda edición de Audi Creativity Challenge ( en el pasado mes de junio que se celebró en Madrid con la participación de escuelas de toda España.

Son los fundadores de Wherever You Want y han desarrollado un sistema que permite llevar a cabo conciertos holográficos en directo gracias a las gafas Microsoft HoloLens y la tecnología realidad aumentada, que permite a los fans disfrutar la experiencia de estar en un concierto en directo desde sus lugares favoritos cómo en los bares locales con sus amigos. Además, los fans podrán interactuar entre sí y con sus ídolos. Hoy se ha hecho el segundo concierto holográfico en directo con el grupo “Ofiura”.

Educación (Imagine Foundation). ¿Cómo mejorar el espíritu emprendedor en los jóvenes españoles?

Los dreamers Rocío Fernández de Universidad de Oviedo, Sara Caravaca de Fundación Balia y Alberto Álvarez de Escuela de Música Reina Sofía. Los tres Dreamers han sido becados por la Fundación Banco Sabadell y han desarrollado DREAM BIG, un movimiento de transformación masiva que tiene objetivo cómo empoderar el talento en los jóvenes para perseguir sus pasiones y darles las herramientas necesarias para hacer sus sueños una realidad. El próximo 30 de noviembre de este año el DREAM BIG será uno de los eventos principales del el iFest 2017 con unos 10.000 participantes que llevará a cabo en Palau Sant Jordi.


Más sobre Imagine Creativity Center

IMAGINE se fundó el 2011 en Silicon Valley por Xavier Verdaguer, un emprendedor en serie de Barcelona. La edición de Silicon Valley es un programa de innovación disruptiva para la generación de ideas que cambien el mundo y también para transformar a las personas que participan en el programa. En la actualidad se están desarrollando ediciones de Imagine en varios paises de 4 continentes ( . Imagine Silicon Valley empezó el 1 de julio en el Parque Nacional de Yosemite con 12 participantes seleccionados de varios concursos de creatividad con el fin de trabajar para generar ideas innovadoras en los cuatro retos de las empresas: Audi, Fluidra, RACC e Imagine Foundation.

CONTACTO DE PRENSA: Daria Shornikova +34 693 00 88 57

Xavier Verdaguer  +34 647 76 04 76

Sobre Fluidra

Fluidra es un grupo multinacional que cotiza en la Bolsa española, dedicado al desarrollo de aplicaciones para el uso sostenible del agua al servicio del bienestar y de la salud de las personas. Se trata de aplicaciones lúdicas, deportivas y terapéuticas asociadas al amplio campo de Piscina & Wellness, de uso residencial, comercial o público.

Fluidra opera en 45 países a través de 160 delegaciones comerciales y centros de producción ubicados en todos los continentes. El grupo cuenta con un equipo humano de en torno a 4.300 personas.

Sobre el RACC

El RACC es una entidad que ofrece servicios de alta calidad a más de un millón de personas y a sus familias. Es especialista en la prestación de asistencia personal, familiar, mecánica, sanitaria urgente y en el hogar y dispone de la mayor red de autoescuelas del Estado. Para cubrir sus necesidades, la entidad realiza 900.000 asistencias al año y gestiona más de 600.000 pólizas de seguros de diferentes tipologías. El RACC promueve una nueva cultura de la movilidad, más ágil, fluida, segura, inteligente, asequible y respetuosa con el medio ambiente. 

Sobre Audi Creativity Challenge

El Audi Creativity Challenge es una competición en la que os retamos a transformar el futuro de nuestra sociedad desarrollando vuestras ideas más creativas. Cread un equipo de 3 compañeros y buscad un buen Driver que os ayude a ser realmente mejores. Vuestro reto será encontrar soluciones para innovar en el sector cultural. Si vuestra idea supera todas las fases y acaba como ganadora, disfrutaréis de una experiencia única en Silicon Valley para desarrollar completamente vuestro proyecto siguiendo el Método Lombard.

Sobre la Fundación Banco Sabadell

La Fundación Banco Sabadell se constituyó con el propósito de estimular la excelencia y promover el saber y la cultura.

El objetivo de la Fundación es promover actividades de divulgación, formación e investigación en los ámbitos educativos, científicos y culturales, así como fomentar y apoyar el talento joven. A lo largo de su trayectoria, ha contribuido a impulsar actividades en estos ámbitos y también se ha consolidado como organizadora de los prestigiosos galardones Premio Fundación Banco Sabadell a la Investigación Biomédica y Premio Fundación a la Investigación Económica.

Memoria resultados imagine silicon valley 2017:

Fotos Evento Final by Judit Rodríguez >> 

Video Resumen by Berta Vicente:

Imagine Express closes its 4th edition with the presentation of the winning apps at 4YFN

The 4YFN Nestlé Stage hosted for the fourth consecutive year the closing ceremony of Imagine Express 2017, a disruptive innovation program organized by Imagine Creativity Center, aimed at promoting and developing innovative and creative mobile applications. During a 5,000-minute journey between the cities of Barcelona, Paris and London, 36 participants, divided into 12 multi-disciplinary teams consisting of a creative mind, a software developer and an entrepreneur, have developed apps to respond to four challenges launched in the categories FinTech, Health, Smart Cities and Open by the main partners of this 4th edition of Imagine Express 2017: Banco Sabadell, Otsuka and Biocat, SUEZ and Imagine Foundation.

Imagine Express’s dreamers have worked intensively for four days, following the Lombard Method, created by Imagine CC and which has been internationally certified this year and consists of four phases: rethinking the problem, generating ideas, prototyping and communication to turn the challenges into tangible proposals. The objective of this work methodology is to advise and accompany the creation of a project: from the business plan to the presentation of the idea through a public pitch.

Ikigai, btrust, ArtUp, Mealing and Smartdog, winning apps

The team that won the health challenge launched by Otsuka and Biocat has developed Ikigai, an application to preserve the intergenerational medical legacy, which consists of putting retired doctors in contact with younger professionals. The creative dreamers of Ikigai have been: Cristina Coll (from Otsuka), Xavi Terradellas (from ShaRing & hippo technologies) and Marcos Real (from VidaCaixa).



As for the FinTech challenge, launched by Banco Sabadell, the winning app has been btrust, a platform that offers a verified identification service and associated financial information by a trusted third party. Its aim is to empower users about the data they share and secure their digital transactions. The dreamers who created btrust were: José Ignacio Delgado (from Banco Sabadell), Juan Antonio Núñez (from i2cat) and Liseth Monticone (from Sabadell Foundation & Valencialab).



The winning team of the Smart Cities challenge, proposed by SUEZ, has devised an app called ArtUp with which, when moving the mobile to an urban infrastructure, in this case a sewer cap, will show a work of art in reality augmented. In this way, Artup will allow ordinary citizens to contemplate a digital art gallery exhibited in the cities themselves and that will complement urban art. The creative dreamers of ArtUp have been: Viviane Beiró (from SUEZ), Héctor Paz (from imascono) and Paquita Puig (from VidaCaixa).



In the Open category, the winning team of dreamers has developed Mealing, a platform that delivers «tailor-made» food, according to the tastes and habits of each person. Thus, using different sources to obtain information on the preferences of users and through the application of algorithms of machine learning, this app identifies what type of food you like and what your nutritional needs. Mealing dreamers have been: Óscar Rovira (from Sabadell Foundation), Nicolas Grenie (from CDmon) and Gemma Ferrer (from Imagine Foundation).



The latest winning app was Smartdog, whose goal is for pets to help seniors or dependents through an application that will be used by the family doctor or family members to monitor their health or medication intakes, in other aspects. This app is complemented by a smart watch that will carry the older person and a necklace for the pet and their function is to synchronize them. Smartdog’s purpose is to restore autonomy to older people. Smartdog dreamers have been the youngest of this 4th edition: Joe Kirby, Esteve Pla and Marina Figueras (from Catalonia Emprèn and selected to participate in the Imagine Express 2017 during the iFest celebration on December 20th).



Thanks to everyone for an unforgettable trip! See you on Imagine Express 2018!


Imagine Express 2017 is ready to go!

Everything is ready for the train of the Mobile Apps to leave Sants-Estació on February 24th. Xavier Verdaguer and Albert Mikkelsen hosted the presentation of the 4th edition of Imagine Express at the Antiga Fàbrica Estrella Damm of Barcelona. During the event the 3 final dreamers were selected that will accompany us on this trip full of enthusiasm, dreams, creativity, companionship and disruptive innovation. One more year we are eager to begin this journey that will change the lives of its participants and improve the quality of life of many people through the apps that will be developed. This is our grain of sand to change the world for better.

However, we recognize that Imagine Express would not be possible without the companies that invest on the search for talent and innovation. For this reason we would like to thank the main partners of the program (Otsuka y Biocat, Banco Sabadell, Suez and Imagine Foundation) for their incredible involvement from the beginning and their capacity to test us through the challenges in the following categories:

  • Fintech: Insurance, Sharing Economy & Identity.
  • Smart cities: CropSell, Pipe Doctor & Collvers.
  • Health: Adherence, Pharma’s Image & Relationship with Start-ups.
  • Open.

In a live competition, 15 candidates competed to be the three last dreamers (of the creative, developer and business profile). To do this they presented their proposals before a jury composed of experts of different companies and sectors. In addition, the event attendees were also able to participate in the selection by tweeting their favourite candidates.

We won’t make you wait any longer and will now present the 36 dreamers of Imagine Express 2017!

Captura de pantalla 2017-02-10 a las 12.15.31 Captura de pantalla 2017-02-10 a las 12.15.47 Captura de pantalla 2017-02-10 a las 12.15.59

During the event, Paula Guardans-Godó and Marc Unzueta, dreamers de Imagine Silicon Valley 2016, presented ShaRing. The project that was developed during that edition of Imagine is forming a company composed by Imagine, the dreamers and Hippo Technologies. ShaRing consists of a smart ring with NFC technology that unifies and manages access of all kinds through it’s software and application. The Project strives to eliminate the need to carry and keep track of multiple keys and access cards by replacing them with an app that you can manage all access and later use your ring to enter in places such as concerts, offices, public transport and more. In the Imagine Express 2017 event ShaRing a few selected early adopters were able to use the ring as an entry. There was also a demonstration of the ShaRing experience in which people could get an Inédit beer using their ring.

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This year three influencers will join us on the train!

 One of the great novelties of the 4th edition of Imagine Express is that this year three influencers will join us on the journey. Our partner Renfe-SNCF in Cooperation has launched a competition to select three influencers pertaining to three social media sites: Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. The selection process will end February 18th at 23:59h, but to discover the challenge the influencers will face you will have to wait and stay tuned to our blog. However we will reveal the winners of the competition at the final event of Imagine IoT which will take place on Monday February 20th in the Vèrtex building of the UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).

Welcome on board dreamers!